Unfortunately we no longer supply this item, however it is still available from other suppliers.
Upto Chassis Number - G-AN6
Quantity required - 1
Chassis Number - G-AN4-60460 ON, G-AN5, H-AN9-72041 ON, H-AN10, A-AN10
14G5508 - Battery Strap
132068 - Winged Nut for Battery Rod
Quantity required - 2
GHF200 - Nut for Battery Rod - Alternative to 132068
GHF331 - Spring Washer - 1/4
WP127 - Flat Washer - 1/4 X 9/1
AHA7769 - 'J' BOLT - Clamp to side of battery shelf
5L734 - Cable - Negative Earth Terminal to Starter Solenoid - For Positive Earth Cars
Original Part Number - BHA4257
142590 - Cable - Negative Earth Terminal to Bulkhead - For Negative Earth Cars
131113 - Cable - Positive Terminal to Bulkhead - For Positive Earth Cars
GHF332 - Spring Washer - 5/16
SH605041 - SCREW - 5/16 X 1 UNF
2K8645 - Screw - Battery cable to Terminal - Original Cables Only
GHF2750 - Battery Terminal Clamp - Negative
Quantity required - as required
GHF2755 - Battery Terminal Clamp - Positive
518903 - Battery Terminal Bolt
GHF208 - NUT - 5/16" UNC
AHA7776 - Starter Solenoid to Starter Cable
PCR807 - 'P' CLIP - Cable to Footwell
LUCWB600 - Ring Terminal
8G548 - Battery Terminal Insulating Gaiter
2K6167 - Earth Cable - Power Unit to Body
SH606051 - SCREW - 3/8 UNF X 5/8
GHF333 - Spring Washer - 3/8"
37H3743 - Rubber Strip
34G2065 - Battery Clamp
BCK104 - Battery Clamp Kit
BCK104SS - Stainless Steel Battery Clamp Kit